Studio II prides itself on being as open as possible with our clients, our design process from beginning to end is broken down into the following three steps.


A crucial part to a successful project is knowing the design needs of our clients in depth. That's why we like to have at least two calls with our clients before any project starts.

The first to learn about you and your business as well as give you the chance to tell us about the problems your business is facing.

The second is where we show you how we can help and give a detailed look into the services we can provide. This includes cost, timeline and which of our team will be working with you.


Studio II is formed of a group of talented designers that have their own specialities. Now we know about the challenges your business faces and have a clear direction of what outcomes are needed - it's easy to identify which of our team can help.

From there our designers get to work on producing the deliverables set out in step one. We'll also keep you updated with the progress we are making with regular calls.

Depending on the project these calls can be weekly, bi-weekly or monthly.


The most exciting part for you - seeing the end result!

We'll have a final call with you to showcase the deliverables and answer any questions you may have. This helps us give clear directions on how the outcomes should be used in order to benefit your business the most.

After the end of a project we like to arrange a time to get back in touch with you, usually a month after the project. This is simply to make sure that the deliverables are having the intended effect and if there's anything else Studio II can do to help.


visual identity

An essential for every business - in this package we focus on creating a visual identity for your business that you'll be excited to share with people and draw in your target market.

Our designs will incorporate the core values you've set out so your audience understand who you are and why they should buy from you.


- Logo Design

- Style Guide with colour scheme, supporting typefaces and
  directions how how to apply your visual identity

- Brand Assets

web design

Social media is arguably the biggest marketing tool a business can utilise. However, finding the time to utilise it properly and consistently can be a headache.

Our team can help relieve this pressure by providing content creation and management of your social media.


- Daily posting on up to three platforms

- Monthly updates on analytics

- Content Creation including photography


With any kind of event, be it a gig, conference, networking, etc. We know there'll be a lot on your mind so we're here to take some of those worries off your mind.

For this package we can handle any promotional material needed for your event as well as any digital needs you may have on the date/s of the event.


- Designs for promotional material including printing & delivery

- Photography at the event

- Social Media management for two weeks, one leading up to the
  event and the other week after the event to help showcase it

social media

Often paired with our Visual Identity package, a website is the next step for many businesses when fulfilling their design needs.

Our preferred platform for Web Design is Webflow. Here we can have the freedom to give you a website that will be sure to grip the attention of your clientele.


- Custom Domain

- Hosting

- Copy tailored for your business

View all of our services

Book Covers  
Brand Assets    
Business Cards
Content Creation

Custom Prints

Social Media Consultation
Social Media Management
Style Guides
Web Design
Web Hosting


Studio II are passionate about passing on our knowledge to the next generation of designers, many design courses in further and higher education don’t usually cover working for yourself and everything that is involved such as promoting yourself, finding clients and closing that first project. Studio II aim to cover all these aspects and more in our curated design course.

"How do I start getting my own clients?" One of the biggest questions a creative student starts asking during their studies - and yet it's rarely addressed in detail. This is where Studio II's design course begins.

We show students lead generation methods used by design freelancers and studios and even show how Studio II uses some of these methods. Getting the lead is only half the battle however, we need to also teach the students how to conduct a sales call to gain that client.

The natural next question that will be asked is "How do I price my work?" We'll take students through each direction of pricing work and give recommendations on which method works best in different scenarios.

This section will also cover examples from Studio II's own work and how we tackled the pricing of those projects.

A majority of creative students don't get their first clients until their final year in University and it's our aim to change that. With this design course we want to give students the knowledge to not only gain their first client, but then also use that as a platform to get their next one.